Summer is a great time for students to relax and have fun and also an excellent time to slow down and exercise the mind when it's too hot outside. Summer tutoring is a tool to help students stay on track with their studies, learn new material, and improve their academic skills. Not only can your child have amazing summer memories, they can come back to school with more knowledge than ever with just a couple hours a week.
Here are five benefits of summer tutoring:
Bridge Gaps
When students are out of school for summer without any sort of educational stimulation, there is a high likelihood that they will lose important developmental skills from the previous year. For students that already struggle with school, losing this could be detrimental to their upcoming year. Summer tutoring allows students to build and maintain those skills while having the opportunity to seek one-on-one guidance with their tutor.
Boost Learning
To help prevent your student falling behind in school from the get go, it's recommended to meet with a tutor at least 2 times a week to go over Math and ELA. Whether that be online or in person, a student should work on their math skills and choose 2 books each summer to keep their minds stimulated at a healthy level.
New Skills
Students who are shy, tend to hold questions until they get home for Google. This summer, let our tutors be their guide to their unanswered questions they fear are too embarrassing to ask in class. Summer tutoring is a great time to slow down and ask questions and learn new skills that will make them feel great!
Build Confidence
Summer tutoring helps students build confidence. When students see that they are able to learn and succeed, it boosts their self-esteem and makes them more likely to succeed in school and other areas of their life. It makes the trial and error of making mistakes in school go a lot easier since they know if they keep practicing, they will have success with a supportive tutor by their side.
Summer tutoring helps students prepare for standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT or even entrance exams for private schools or accelerated courses. Tutors can help students practice for the tests and develop strategies and even resume build for success. Using the summer to set up success with ACT and SAT can lead to having a greater choice in colleges and a brighter future for your student.
If you are looking for a way to help your child succeed in school, summer tutoring is a great option to try out this summer. Paige's Tutoring is offering a limited time offer June 1- August 1 for private tutoring. Call for more details
For traveling families, we build personalized summer study packets. These benefits can be hard to pass up, and they do go fast so reach out soon on if you have any questions.